Sunday, May 25, 2008

Rock Heaven

What a beautiful day it was. We went for a bike ride, then stopped off to take a rest. We hiked down a path in the woods and came to an amazing boys were happy. So we spent some time guessed it....throwing rocks into the river. Jared was giving the boys lessons on skipping rocks. We found another new spot that the boys will enjoy through the summer. This is us...this is what we love to do as a family. These times that Jared and I spend with our boys are so precious to us, and I hope you get a feel for this special outing we had by looking at the pics.

Nate's Language

As most of you know, our Nate is significantly speech delayed. However, this special little guy has his way of communicating. Times can be quite frustrating for him, but he uses sign language to let us know his wants and needs. Recently quite a few of Nate's signs have been turning into verbal words, and we are so proud of him. I love to hear him say Mom.....finally. I snapped this pic of Nate today when he was signing the word, "water" to me. I love this picture of him. As he was signing he was saying the word "water", while he walked across hundreds of rocks, excited to throw them in the river. Nate is hard to describe because he is so have to experience him. I love him so much.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Noah and Nate are a gift from God. They are certainly a handful.....but so full of life. I like to sit back and watch the two of them interact with one another, sometimes they fight and scream at each other, but there are those special times when I see them loving one another. There is something special about these talks constantly, the other choses to express himself without words....but they understand each other, and that amazes me.

For Mommy.......Love Noah

Noah loves to pick flowers for sweet. It melts my heart every time he approaches me with a big smile, and flower in hand.

My Boys

Here they are....outside....again. These guys are easily entertained while outdoors, I love that about them!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I thank God for the mother that He gave me. I have learned so much from my Mom. The one thing that stands above all the rest is the example my Mother set for me when it comes to family. My Mom loves her family with her heart and soul; her husband, four children, and nine grandchildren and one on the way.
Thank you Mom for teaching me how precious the people that God places in our lives as family truly are. Thank you for loving us with your whole heart. I am a mother now, and my children are benefiting from some of the ways in which you inspire me. You have always gone above and beyond to show your love to us. You are whole when your gang is around you, and it is a beautiful blessing to be a part of such a loving family. It is a privilege for those of us who are able to call you Mom or Grandma. I Praise God for the love He expresses to me through you. I am grateful that you profess His name, and that you pray for the ones you love.
I miss you terribly and love you more than you could possibly know. Happy Mother's Day.

A Mommy who loves her boys.....

I thank the LORD for making me the mother of these two precious boys. I pray daily that God will give me the strength and wisdom to be the kind of Mom that God wants me to be.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Running mom I've done something that I have never done before...I registered for a 5K race...gulp. My neighbor across the street is a veteran runner, and a huge inspiration to me. See I run sporadically, I'll do it for a while, then lose interest, (usually through the winter months.) My neighbor has been such an encouragement to me, in so many ways. A pillar of strength and wisdom with life in general. I find her presence a complete blessing. She helped give me the confidence to enter this race. I may come in dead last, but I already feel like a winner, spreading my wings to try things that I would never have in the past. The training is difficult for me, however, as I'm running, I ponder the verse....
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Life with boys

Yep, that's a slimy worm in Noah's hand. This is just one of the many gross things my children have touched. Noah named his worm Jack.

So Cool

Ok, this guy amazes me. He caught on quite quickly on how to get around with out training wheels. Noah is a trip, and I love the way he thrives on physical activity, always on the move. He has such an imagination as well. Even though he has become quite the big boy gaining independence riding his bike and all, he still slows down long enough to snuggle with Mommy.....a favorite thing for this Mommy to do.

The Rock Hunter

Where ever we go, Nate always seems to be on a rock hunt, it's his thing. On this day, the boys were just playing around in the yard, and Nate was searching for rocks to throw in to "his puddle." Nate is content in doing this, he enjoys looking for rocks, and I must say I really enjoy watching him. He is starting to spread his wings....I have seen him picking up sticks lately......little nature boy, I love it!